Asiana Airlines offers a YPTA (Young Passenger Traveling Alone) service for young passengers who are not accompanied by a guardian.
Young Passenger Traveling Alone (YPTA)
International flights: Between 12–17 years old
*Service only available for international flights
How to Use
From the Departure City: The staff in charge will accompany the child from the check-in counter until aircraft boarding.
Inside the Cabin: The flight attendants will care for the child and ensure their safe travel.
At the arrival city: The staff in charge will accompany the child until they meet with their guardian at the airport. ※ Korean-speaking staff may not be placed at overseas airports due to their circumstances.
Fees : Amount equivalent to USD 200 per flight or 20,000 miles
UM/YPTA Service: Application Process and National Policy
Please apply for service through the Asiana Reservation Center up to 24 hours before departure and receive a confirmation.
In the application, please provide contact information (address, phone number) and a detailed profile of the guardian who will send-off/pick-up the child at the departure/arrival city.
Fill out the UM/YPTA Application Form
Submit the application at the departure city airport (check-in counter)
Application received
Receive guidance by the airport crew at the arrival city (passenger pick-up location)
필리핀 UM 규정
When going to the Philippines, minors under the age of 15 who are not accompanied by at least one of their parents must have the necessary documents and fees according to the WEG (Waiver of Exclusion Ground) as required by the judicial authorities in the Philippines.
If these regulations are violated, please understand that the child may be restricted from entering the country.
Saipan UM Regulation
If a minor under the age of 18 intends on traveling to Saipan alone(or with a guardian other than his/her parents), they must prepare the notarized English of parental consent form. Please contact the Embassy/Consulate of the United States for the required documents.
If these regulations are violated, please understand that the minor may be denied boarding or restricted from the entering the country.
Vietnam UM Policy
Unaccompanied minor service is mandatory for children under 14 years of age when traveling alone to Vietnam without parents or guardians.
Minors with Mongolian nationality under the age of 18 cannot apply for UM and YPTA services when exiting Mongolia. (Minors under the age of 18 with a nationality other than Mongolian may apply for UM and YPTA services)
When minors with Mongolian nationality under the age of 18 exit Mongolia with a guardian other than their parents, they must bring a notarized parental consent (power of attorney). (Mongolian or English).
Please note that parental consent (power of attorney) is mandatory, and you may not be allowed to exit the country if you bring a parental consent (power of attorney) that is not notarized.