Detailed information on immigration forms/customs declarations by country/region, and how to fill them out.
Please make sure to read about the steps to fill out the declaration form(s) for your destination in advance.
Search results for $2$ for $1$.
Immigration Form
5Date of Birth
7Place of stay in Korea
8Purpose of visit
Search results for $2$ for $1$.
Customs Declaration Form
2Birth date
3Passport number (Foreign nationals only)
4Length of stay
5Country of embarkation
6Number of family members traveling with you (Except myself)
7Airlines / Flight No.
8Phone number
9Address in Korea
10Possession of articles that exceed the duty-free exemption limit for carry-on items
11Possession of articles subject to FTA tariffs
12Possession of a means of payment that exceeds USD $10,000
13Possession of articles that are prohibited or subject to restricted entry
14Possession of articles subject to animal or plant quarantine
15Possession of articles that require confirmation of permissions/requirements by a customs authority
16YYYY/MM/DD of report, Reported by, Signature
17Personal duty-free limit for each article
18Details on articles exceeding duty-free allowance
Search results for $2$ for $1$.
Health Status Questionnaire
1 Name
2 Gender
3 Nationality
4 Date of Birth
5 Passport number
6 Arrival year, month, date
7 Flight number
8 Seat number
9 Address in Korea
10 Mobile phone
11 Countries visited in the past 21 days
12 If you have experienced the below symptoms in the last 21 days or are currently experiencing them, mark “✓” in the relevant box
13 If any of the above symptoms apply to you, mark “✓” in the relevant box