Passenger can trainsit to boarding gate of next flight or just move to check-in counter.
Need to visit Asiana Airlines Gate to check in.
International flight to international flight
After Disembarking on E gate area, pass security check and move to gate or trainsit check in counter.
(transit to A AREA need to pass trainsit-immigration)
* A : Domestic and EU flights
* E : Non EU flights
There is no transit area on E. Passenger need to security check on Terminal 3,
then move back to E area
(transit to A AREA need to pass trainsit-immigration)
International flight to domestic flight
Arrive to Terminal 3, then check-in at gate or transit desk
Terminal 1 : ITA Airways
- Get on the monorail in case of disembark on Satellite area and move to trasit security check
- Move to boarding gate aera for next flight and check-in
(transit to A AREA need pass transit-immigration)
Recommend to pick up checked baggage for preventing missing or lost
(Can`t connect baggage to LCC flight)
Baggage transfer
To avoid lost luggage, recommend the procedure again after the pick-up as possible.
※ In the case of separate ticket, it's determined by the connecting airline's discretion.
(Passenger must be pick up it's not possible)