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Special programs

  • The e-newsletter is sent out to Asiana Club members every month and gives details of your current mileage, along with a range of benefits you are eligible for.

Your benefits

Miles earned

We notify you of your current mileage
via an e-newsletter every month.

Events and special prices

You will receive the latest special prices
and the latest news regarding online events.

Affiliate discount coupons

We offer coupons for
discounted benefits from Asiana Club affiliates.

Asiana destination wallpapers

You can download Asiana destination wallpapers
for your device. A new wallpaper is released every month.

E-newsletter subscription

  1. 01

    Log in to the Asiana Airlines

  2. 02

    On the Asiana menu, select
    “Update personal information”

  3. 03

    Tick “I agree” to receiving emails

  4. 04

    E-newsletter subscription complete